About Us
LCYSA is a non-profit youth soccer organization serving Clatsop and Pacific Counties. We are able to operate because of a dedicated group of volunteer board members. Our mission is to promote youth soccer on the North Coast of Oregon. If you are interested in supporting our organization in any way, please visit our contact page and let us know.
Angelo Schauermann
Kera Jaakoloa
Brigid Koeppen
Classic Coordinator
Erik Horning
Field Maintenance Coordinator
Kai Ahola
Vice President
Nathan Daniels
Director of Coaching
Justin Gagnon
Referee Coordinator
Matt Ahearn
Angelina Salisbury
Jessica Cross
Brooke Lilley
Kai Ahola
Warrenton Soccer Complex
LCYSA is proud to be the home of four natural turf fields. Field usage priority is given to LCYSA teams and events, then groups who reserve the fields for specific events.
Below is the field calendar.
If you would like to request a reservation please fill out the form below and someone from the club will contact you in 5-10 business days.